Jubilee Stories of Hope
Your Story of Hope
In this Jubilee Year of Hope, we invite you to share your story of how our faith brought you through a difficult situation and brought you Hope. A selection of these stories of inspiration will have the chance to be featured on our website, some will be shared in the Bulletin. Your story may provide a Holy Family "family" member with HOPE in their situation. Please click the button below and submit your JUBILEE STORIES OF HOPE.
December 23rd, 2022, started as an ordinary snowy pre-Christmas day. It ended with a rare cancer diagnosis. A routine eye exam turned into a diagnosis of ocular melanoma, a 6 in a million chance. Imagine having to share this news with your family during the glorious Christmas season. Facing a world of uncertainty, I marched steadfastly into treatment with the Lord and my family by my side. My first thought was, "I don't have time for this." I was laser-focused on getting this behind me. My local healthcare provider asked how I was doing. I simply answered that I was doing well and leaning on my faith, family, and friends. I knew the Lord had me in His hands, and I was accepting of whatever the outcome may be. It was 3 months from diagnosis and treatment to the all-clear with negative testing. As of February 10th, 2025, I have completed treatment, and my tumor is less than half its size. I pray every day to St. Lucy and thank our Lord for His goodness. I live knowing the risk of recurrence, but with Jesus by my side, He will walk with me or carry me on this journey. I pray you who read this know of the love our Lord has for you. Carry Him in your hearts, always.
-A fellow parishioner
The Friday before Memorial Day of 2018 (I Was 68) my urologist informed me that the results of my biopsy showed I had an overly aggressive prostate cancer that had progressed into the tissue surrounding my prostate. He said, depending on what future testing showed, I may have only 18 months to live. This was quite a shock for me as I had always been healthy and never thought much about dying. I began praying like I never had before.
That Sunday, praying before mass, my wife got up and went to the back of the church. Shortly after I felt a sense of comfort coming over me and I could sense my wife was standing behind me. I turned around and no one was there. I realized then it must have been the Blessed Mother, and I wept silently.
Further testing revealed my cancer had not progressed further and I was given an expected life expectancy of 5 years. I then had my prostate removed, followed by 6 weeks of radiation and two years of hormone therapy.
Having converted to Catholicism later in life, I didn't know much about the Blessed Mother, but I began saying the Rosary almost every day. One day while saying the Rosary, I shouted out loud, "MARY WHO ARE YOU? TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!" The following week I received a package in the mail from a catholic organization, "America Needs Fatima". I had no idea who they were or why they were sending me a package. I opened it, and inside was a book titled "True Devotion to Mary" by Saint Louis De Montfort. WOW! Talk about answering your prayers! My wife and I then knew the Blessed Mother was with us.
I am now receiving a new drug that continues to keep my cancer at bay. In some ways, my cancer diagnosis has been a blessing because my faith has grown so much since that fateful day nearly 7 years ago. My wife and I have grown closer to each other and closer to God as we pray together every day and continue to learn more about our faith, through Bible studies. I know now that Jesus and Mary are with us to help us every step of the way. As Jesus said to his disciples, "Behold I am with you always till the end of the ages" (Matt.28:20).
-A fellow parishioner
Pray It Off
I’m Ellen M. McCauley, and I’ve struggled with weight my whole life. In 2007 I hit 371 pounds. I had tried many diets, and I always lost weight, but I could never keep it off. I was depressed and didn’t even want to go to Mass. When Fr. Prior didn’t see me in my usual pew for a few weeks, he just showed up at my house. Soon, I was crying and sharing my shame, embarrassment, and failures. I told him I was hopeless. He asked if I ever prayed about my weight. I told him, “No” and he suggested I start. After a few months I got down to 338 pounds. I thought I was on my way, but God had His own plan. He spoke to my heart and said He would help me if I helped other people. Only God would ask a 300-pound woman to start a weight-loss group!
In January of 2008 Pray It Off debuted. 25 brave souls joined me and in six months, we lost 644 pounds. Almost 18 years later the group has over 80 people. Our motto is: Eat healthy, move more, and pray. Pray it Off does not recommend one specific eating plan but instead encourages each person to discover what can work for them - for LIFE. Together, we have learned that diets don’t work. We need to eat healthy and move more for THE REST OF OUR LIVES. That is why so many people stay with the group even after achieving their weight loss goals.
Some of the best people, I have been blessed to know, are in Pray it Off. Many come to the first meeting just like I did, having lost all hope for a healthy weight and lifestyle. Through prayer, hard work, and camaraderie we find it again.
And as for me, I have lost over 170 pounds, and I’ve kept it off. Reaching out to assist others and growing closer to God is what fuels and motivates me. I live each day with hope, knowing that with God, I can do this for life - the operative word here, of course, is life!
Feeling hopeless about your weight, give me a call at 315-447-4676 and/or check out the Pray it Off Videos at http://prayitoff.blogspot.com/.
- Ellen M. McCauley